What does success mean? To some people it means fame. To some it means being able to put food on the table. For every single person out there, success means something different. Success, just like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Now, do we determine success based...

Life’s full of choices and regrets. Regrets of making a certain choice, regrets of not making a certain choice. But isn’t every regret a learning experience? What’s a life that doesn’t have regrets? A life not lived. Job searching is similar, you have to make choices and...

The perfect job doesn’t exist. If you are waiting for a perfect job, it will never come. Ever hear the adage, “when life gives you lemons?” I don’t like making lemonade, it’s just too much work. Plus, you need a lot of lemons to make a decent...

There is a push to create a more diverse workforce. Companies and policy makers alike want more women and POC in the workforce. Specifically in the tech industry. I often wonder why now? Maybe we are more aware? Or maybe the people are demanding it. Whatever...

Like any Marvel fan, I went to watch the latest movie – Infinity War last night. It wasn’t the first day, first show, but the theatres were packed. When I purchased the tickets almost a month ago, the tickets were selling faster than anything I...

Performance reviews are always weird. You sit down with your boss usually once a year to talk about your performance for the entire past year. What? I mean why not give active feedback? I get it, most managers are stretched so thin they can’t sit down...

I recently went to an event where the speaker was a VP for a large organization. This person had so much knowledge surrounding culture and how to build efficient teams. He said something that stuck with me. “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” I am still trying...